
An Innovative Solution for the efficient and immediate economic evaluation of Non Performing Loans

Effective NPL portfolio sales

DAMneat​ ​introduces a simpler and more accurate NPL sales process using dynamic selection criterias and comprehensive portfolio metrics based on information completeness of atomic level data.

Easily tailored to your needs

Pursuit information completeness

The pricing evaluation is determined by the information given to investors, thus data quality is a fundamental aspect correlated to the value of NPL portfolios.

Assess and select

Analists have a clear ranking/prioritization of the entire portfolio based on both book value and information quality. Specific selections can be made to either sell or start a remediation process.

Focus on given properties

Explore detailed characteristics of the selected portfolio segment, sorted by various indexes like information quality or economic value.

Discern data loss from exceptions

See relationships between main entity types like: contracts, warranties, appraisals, with the ability to distinguish between anomalies and legitimate missing information.

Improve your current process

Out-of-the-box functionalities that will: speed the entire NPL sales cycle, faster remediation process, higher evaluation, more accurate pricing, reduced operational risk, using a methodical approach.

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